
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Date Night

I noticed Seth developing signs of jealousy toward Patricia over the past week or so. Mainly he cries when I pick her up. Enoch and I both agreed that he would probably benefit from some one on one time with his mommy. We had a great time going to WalMart and Arby's all by ourselves.

Many times people have told me that Seth would probably be talking more at his age if Tabitha would let him get a word in edgewise. I never really thought much about it, since Seth isn't actually behind in his speech. Let me tell you, that boy talked non-stop from the time we left until we got in the car to go home. He mostly repeated himself, but he always made sure he was saying something.

I'm sure Enoch is going to read this and wonder when his date night is coming up. I'll have to think of something special for him.


  1. Michelle -
    One day I was playing with Magnetix with Phoenix and he just went on and on and on about things he does at school. He also kept wanting to show me something "cool." He would ask me if it was awesome. At first, I was a little annoyed because I was trying to make some cool pyramid thing with the Magnetix. Then I realized that I was getting a rare open door into Phoenix's little world - though not so little to him.

    Keep it up. Each person needs that one on one time.

  2. Yes, I agree...I have to constantly remind myself to seek Ethan out when Simon is sleeping (not very often these days!). They need to know how important they are to us!

  3. Hi Michelle, I am visiting your blog today through a comment you left on my daughter's blog (Unfolding Moments) :-) I liked your post on "dating" your kids! It is SO important to spend time one-on-one with them, even when they grow into adulthood. I STILL love to set aside some time on a regular basis to have a lunch date with our daughters. It is a great way to stay connected! Blessings to you and your family. Diane
