
Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Official Announcement

Enoch and I are happy to announce the addition of a new family member. He/she should be arriving around the first week in March, although our children usually come late, so it may be some time after that. I've been getting over my queasiness, which is a nice relief. All of the kids are excited. Even Patricia says, "baby" as she points to my belly. I'm sure she doesn't know what she's saying, but that's ok.

"Whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he." Proverbs 16:20b


  1. HI Michelle!

    I am happy to announce a new arrival pending to our family as well! No sadness necessary anymore! Praise God for His great timing. I am due April 13!

  2. Okay, I sure thought I made a comment on here a while back! Yikes, where did my brain go?!

    ANYWAY, congrats! I bet Tabitha will be a big help this time around. I hope you are feeling good and enjoying this new little life.

  3. Ok I found the announcement! congratulations.
    I'm expecting another baby toward the end of December.
    Dana W.
