
Friday, October 9, 2009

First day of school...again!

On the day of October 1, Seth started preschool. It was a last minute decision, but we all feel that it was a good one. At home Seth was getting bored and I haven't had much energy to do much with him. Next year he's supposed to start kindergarten and I wanted him to have a head start. So, the new schedule is M-F 9-3. All day, every day. I'll write stories throughout the pictures.

With our new schedule Tabitha is now a "car rider". We drop her off and pick her up with the mini van. No more walking to school for her these days! Every time I drop Seth off at school he pleads with me to let him go in by himself. The way his school is set up, I kind of have to go in with him. I have to disappoint him every day by not letting him be such a big boy!

On the second day of school when I picked him up, I was trying to converse with one of his girl classmates (there are only 7 students total). The teacher told me that Seth tried to kiss her that day. I told her he must think she's beautiful! On the way home I asked Seth about it. He said he wants to marry her, but he can't. I asked why not. His response: "I asked her if she wants to marry me, but she said, 'NO!' "

Next Tuesday Seth has a field trip to a pumpkin patch. I've been talking to the teacher and due to Tabitha's school schedule that day all three of the other kids and I get to tag along! Wouldn't you know it, I had to "break the news" to Seth. He was upset, he wants to go with his friends by himself and not have us there. I've been realizing more and more how much he wants to not communicate. I think it's a boy thing, I don't know!


  1. wow! I guess he is really wants to show his independence. Willik likes to tell me everything about his day, but Phoenix only talks about a few things.... It's a personality thing, I think....

  2. Seth looks so proud and happy with himself.
