
Monday, December 14, 2009

A Walk with God?

Today I went on a three mile walk. It was a beautiful day and I've been wanting to walk for sometime now. So, I packed the two kids I had in the car (yes, a car ride to walk, that's Michelle style). When we got to the starting point I put them in the stroller and started off. These quieter times in my life tend to be good times of prayer and pondering life in general. Today was no different.

About a mile into the walk we encountered another mom with a stroller. We were able to walk along and talk for a nice little clip. There was nothing unusual about our conversation. After we parted ways I realized something very interesting. Everyone has tons of "names" in their lives. I'm sure you can easily think of 15 people you know and interact with fairly regularly. Well, the three names that she disclosed to me have left a mark on me. It wasn't long before we shared our kids names with each other. Her son in the stroller is named, CHRISTIAN. When I told her my name is Michelle, she gave that surprised look and told me that MICHELLE was her daughter's name. Then she told me her name: PAZ. I translated it right away: PEACE. Lovely name.

So, as I continued on my walk, which happened to have steep hills I pondered those three names: Christian, Michelle, Peace. Some hills were steep on a downward slope, making them easy to accomplish. Others were so steep upwards I didn't think I'd be able to continue (no thanks to the stroller!).

Then I met another lady. She was a mom or grandmom, not sure which. We were going opposite directions, so we only talked for a couple of minutes. She encouraged me strongly to enjoy my children because they grow up fast and then I won't have them any more. I thanked her profusely. It was such a pleasant thing to hear. People normally snicker and say things like, "you sure have your hands full!"

I wasn't expecting God to clearly reveal Himself today, but He did. He promised me peace through difficult and easy times of life. Of course, none of this would be possible without first having received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Having entered into the family of God, I can now enjoy the peace of God which passes all understanding.

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