Thursday, August 19, 2010

Farewell Summer!

We've had a fun summer and at times it was difficult. Already school will be starting within a few days! We had lots of fun adventures. Our summer started off with a two week trip to Seattle, WA. We did lots of fun things, but most of our enjoyment came from spending quality time with my in-laws.

I won't use many words, I'll just show a few pics from our time.

The kids loved playing at the playground near their grandparents house. Tabitha learned how to do the monkey bars finally! She is very excited about that.

Enoch taught everyone, including Sam, a bit about basketball. (I can't seem to figure out the new picture ways of Blogger!)

One day we went on a safari adventure. Here are some moose (I think).

Enoch carrying around Seth.

This pond was covered in a green moss thing.

Ian with Seattle's backdrop.

A big leaf we found from a tree.

We had almost daily trips to DQ. There burgers aren't as good as they look in their pics.

Everyone out there has beautiful gardens with many different types of flowers.

This was my favorite flower:

Our most lasting memories come from the bonsai collection we saw.

The bonsai forests were pretty amazing to think about.

Next up: our drive down the Oregon coast!

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